Hey guys,
1 of the things that really annoys me is nosy peoples..
If you don't know what nosy is..
Nosy is pretty much like busybody..
I mean the busybody side like..
When someone is talking something n another person came in the conversation without knowing what are the conversation about..
I'm sure everyone have atleast met 1 nosy people..
And sometimes you even feel like smacking they're head off but you can't :/
And c'mon "nosy people" stop doing what you're doing
It's like kicking someone's ass without any reasons...
But anyways... Sometimes nosy people are funny too... :/
Now I'm confused with my own...
OK, forget about it...
Apparently I'm gonna stop confusing myself...
And seriously,
Nosy peoples stop making yourself look like an idiot...
No offence for whoever know themselves are "nosy"...
And sorry if you guys really are offended :/
Buhbye for now ^^